By Hannah from India

The Aufbaukurs Herbst 2018, what a second part of the JuLeiCa leadership training  program 2018 conducted by the Evangelical Youth Dortmund – this time, I was a part of it. Together with Jana Michler and Ariane Buchenau, we stayed at the Evangelische Jugendbildungsstsätte Nordwalde. The first part of JuLeiCa was conducted earlier this year ‘Grundkurs Frühjahr 2018’.

Just like the name suggests The Youth Department of the Church are as energetic and enthusiastic, just like the youth,they not only managed to pull off a successful seminar but also knew how to place intense concepts into young minds.

The Aufbaukurs Herbst 2018, had 21 vibrant young youth participating in the 5-day seminar which included intensive topics like Political Responsibilities, Gender equality, Diversity, Transculturality and Structures of the Church along with a heap of joy and laughter, rekindling their minds , While discussing on diversity at extremely interesting yet thoughtful quote what put in front of us by Jana Michler ‚what if the world map (world build / picture of the world), is not the picture of the actual world‘. Questions like this made the youth think and rethink on existing
issues, problems and solutions, molding themselves into leaders.

In role-plays of developing micro projects, they also understood financial calculations, environmental concepts and raised legal questions. The course also included a theoretical and practical exam. The joyful seminar ended with a service on the subject of ‚Hand in Hand‘

The 5-day seminar uses deep roots into young minds, slowly molded into
responsible leaders rooted in Christ.