by Gentille from Dortmund / Germany (and the Democratic Republic of the Congo)
About the one and only address in my history. Coming from Africa, from the Democratic Republic of the Congo, more precisely from Kivu in the Rutshuru Territory.
My house of welcome, the Volunteers House, had given me every opportunity. Even when I was in other cities or neighboring countries, my only address was Meylantstrasse 77.
I still remember that first day very well, in March 2018, when I was greeted by the big family (Pastor Ulrich, Claudia, Carolin, Christina, Dirk, Frauke, Yassin and his mother Marion and many more …) and I even got a little present from a very nice little boy named Yassin that I keep carefully to this day. It was unique and great to know who my neighbors are, how easy it can be, even if I’m outside of Meylantstr. 77 found again.
This house really motivated me and now I miss it because I no longer live there. Now I have tears in my eyes, my heart is broken because my first address in Dortmund will be history forever. But my greatest achievement in this house is that my memories, our photos, our activities together, will stay in this house and I will keep them for the rest of my life. The happiness this house has given me will stay in my heart forever.
It is often said that houses, mountains or even trees never move, but humans do. Well, there you are today, moving to a different address. I will miss you so much.
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