by Jason-Lee from Namibia

On Sunday the 17.09.2024 we had a pride parade. It all started with a beautiful Sunday service at St Petri Church. The church was decorated with the beautiful rainbow colors of the pride flag. The piano was played by Nicolas, and Marlene sang touching songs that filed our hearts with so much warmth and love, again as we still fight the battle of freedom.

A few people came for the service, and it was blessed by the word of God from our pastors Leonie and Martin. During the service one thing stood out and it was the representation of the rainbow pride colors where each has a deep meaning behind it. We could feel the pain and the love at same time in the service and many memories came up as we were listening because we are still in the battle of coming out and be who we want to be.

After the service we were sprinkled by glitters to pour the blessings upon us. We all had a little walk to the CSD area behind the Hauptbahnhof of Dortmund and there were many people with spontaneous creative outfits and colors. Different cultures gathered and companies who supported the pride. Music was played and people were joyful. And celebrating LOVE IS LOVE. Two big trucks were decorated and lead us for the Pride walk with entertainment music. We had so much laughter and took some pictures and made friends during the walk and hand out flyers and glitter, stickers and loads of hugs and best wishes to each other.

We ended our walk at Friedensplatz where the entertainment started. There were some stands where you could buy food and drinks and sit down and chill. The stage was set up for singing and dancing and great performance by different artist. People were drinking, eating and had a great gathering. Friedensplatz was very safe for us because we had a guard of police around such a prompt service and support from the police. The entertainment continued and so much love was shared among everyone. People were very creative with dressing up and it was so colorful. They celebrated their freedom because life treat them with so many ups and downs, there you could see love, smiles, joy, braveness, and power and so much more.

As the saying goes LOVE IS LOVE, love always wins. Let’s not stop loving no matter what. Accept and love yourself first before you to love and accept others. Be who you want to be and not what others want to see.

Thank you for an exceptional pride we are more than conquerors.