by Hannah from India.

Backpacking is a form of low-cost, independent travel. It includes the use of public transport; inexpensive lodging such as youth hostels; often a longer duration of the trip when compared with conventional vacations; and typically, an interest in meeting locals as well as seeing sights. Ever since my visit to Germany I have done few backpacking trips with my travel partner/ best friend Rachel Lee. We have traveled to Netherlands, Switzerland, France and Italy. Here are our few tips we learned during our backpacking Europe journey.

1. Plan Ahead.

The first and foremost important point is to plan ahead, look through maps, make your own itinerary, public transports and travel options. So you would have a clear view of the trip beforehand.

2. Check out for – Hostels / online bookings.

There are a lot of hostels which cost as low as 15 euros per night or if you are lucky enough you might find a fancy apartment in online bookings which does not cost as much as the Hotels. Avoid staying in the city center as sometimes it costs more just for the location.

3. Don’t over-pack but take Necessities

Pack light as backpacking involves a lot of walking, take only what you might need throughout the journey, although never forget your IDs, health Insurance cards and emergency medicines, always be in a position to take care of yourself

4. Local Supermarkets.

To cut down expenses on food and drinks, try the local supermarkets as they are cheaper. Wines, beers and snacks to carry along are always cheaper in super markets in comparison to other shops. But never miss the chance to try the street food because food play a major portion of the country’s experience.

5. Over – night buses and trains.

Over – night buses and trains cut down the costs of stays and are very efficient to travel. The buses in Europe are well equipped with comfortable seats, bathroom facilities and tinted windows so are the trains, discounts in group ticket train prices are sometimes possible, always check beforehand.

Are there any more tips you would like to share with us? Comment below.