By Carol from India,
How do you know that someone cares about you?
Have you ever heard about the quote „action speaks louder than words.“?
This quote is indeed true and how can I say that? Well I can say this because I have seen actions of care around me.
During this lockdown time I received several letter posts from Carolin. The post cards have an image of me and on the other side was a very powerful message written by Carolin, which always made my day.
Well I usually don’t get a lot of letters but I do get letters from my bank (official letters with financial information) and DIZ (Deutsch-Indische Zusammenarbeit), my weltwärts sending organisation. Which is just the bills or some or the other stuff. I always check the mailbox, if there is anything for me or not? So, like all the other days I went and checked my mailbox and surprisingly I found a post card for me, which had a group photo along with me, it was a group picture from the bicycle ride I had together with other volunteers, Dirk, Frauke, Carolin and Christina. On the other side of the postcard, there was a beautiful message written about that wonderful day and many more kind words. The post was from Carolin, after reading the post I was so overwhelmed and happy about it and this post definitely made my day. It was my first ever postcard. I always appreciated the idea of post and letters. Rather than using WhatsApp I would always prefer sending post cards to people. Post cards are more meaningful and it shows care, efforts, energy, etc.
Some days later I received another post, which had another picture of me from the “Schaut Hin” service at Petrikirche”, which is the topic for the next Kirchentag. This post card also had a very beautiful message and again after some days I received two more post cards. In total I have received four post cards which is really precious to me as it shows that there is someone out there who cares for you and is looking after you. In my case I consider myself really fortunate and blessed that I have so many people around me, who always care for me and are there for me no matter what and I guess that’s what family does for each other.
In one quote, Mother Teresa said that, “happiness is having a large, loving, caring, close-knit family in another city.” In my case I have a really cool and wonderful German family here in Germany.
Even since I have arrived here in Germany, I have always seen the goodness and kindness of everyone around me, right from the people working in DIZ, people working in my Work place and people associated with the Ecumenical unit of Church of Dortmund. Volunteers are treated as family members over here, trust me. I also get to eat so many delicious German food so many times. I thank God everyday for this wonderful volunteering year and for the people around me.
I was wondering is it just me, who loves post cards and the idea behind it, or is it the same with you all? Do let me know, if you agree with me that post cards are much more voluble and meaningful than a virtual text message.
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