by Phaskal from Indonesia

Home becomes a place of joy and peace. When we grow up, we are faced with the decision to leave home for a while. Some leave to find work or continue their studies. But no matter how far our feet go, in the end we will remember our family at home.

Therefore, it is not wrong to talk about homesickness, or missing your family and the atmosphere at home. There is no place more comfortable and safe than home with your family to relieve anxiety.

When your body and heart are tired from work, you would like to rush home, wouldn’t you? Not just to lie down, but because the family welcomes us with warmth and cordiality. So to say that family is the best place to come home to is not an exaggeration.

I live here in Dortmund in the Volunteershouse. There are five of us living here: Roselva, Nisha, Helen, Isaac and me. They feel like siblings to me.

If you ask me if I am homesick, nope, I have found my home here with my small and lovely family.